Song About Rich & Poor Economic Divide: Ice Cutters 'A Greek Tragedy (Spread The Wealth)'
Ice Cutters 'A Greek Tragedy (Spread The Wealth)' is a song about the divide between rich and poor and the need to make the economic model for the world fairer. Musical influences: Cat Stevens, John Cale. The style of music is Retro / Indie / Classi Rock / Acoustic / Singer Songwriter / Indie Folk. This song is from the 2017 Album 'Andy Kaufman Lives'. You can stream the music by using the bandcamp widget below.
#indie #alternative #newmusicmonday #newmusicfriday #newmusic #newsongs #indiemusic #alternative #indie #folk #folkrock #acoustic #singersongwriter
If I could help you, i'd throw my arms around you Tell all the world i've found you, and bring you in from you the cold If I could save you, I'd make all the princes crave you They'll throw all their wealth behind you Then turn your waters to gold It's the time, it's the time To believe in what's right For our hope, and our health Spread the Wealth, Spread the wealth If I could build you, I'd take all the things that kill you Then bring in the skills to give you The chance to evolve What of tomorrow? Why be the thief who borrowed Pay all your debts with sorrow and thrive in what you make It's the time, it's the time To believe in what's right For our hope, and our health Spread the Wealth, Spread the wealth Instrumental We all need to change (3) Need to change It's the time, it's the time To believe in what's right For our hope, and our health Spread the Wealth
#indie #alternative #newmusicmonday #newmusicfriday #newmusic #newsongs #indiemusic #alternative #indie #folk #folkrock #acoustic #singersongwriter
Lyrics to Ice Cutters song 'A Greek Tragedy (Spread The Wealth)'
If I could help you, i'd throw my arms around you Tell all the world i've found you, and bring you in from you the cold If I could save you, I'd make all the princes crave you They'll throw all their wealth behind you Then turn your waters to gold It's the time, it's the time To believe in what's right For our hope, and our health Spread the Wealth, Spread the wealth If I could build you, I'd take all the things that kill you Then bring in the skills to give you The chance to evolve What of tomorrow? Why be the thief who borrowed Pay all your debts with sorrow and thrive in what you make It's the time, it's the time To believe in what's right For our hope, and our health Spread the Wealth, Spread the wealth Instrumental We all need to change (3) Need to change It's the time, it's the time To believe in what's right For our hope, and our health Spread the Wealth
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